Sunday, February 03, 2008

Prayers, please

Thanks to all who have offered their thoughts and prayers already. I am asking for all of you to keep my dad in their prayers. On Saturday afternoon, his house caught fire and burned completely. He, his wife, and her grandaughter were able to get out safely, along with all their dogs, but it was a total loss--including their vehicles. The Red Cross has put them in a hotel for two nights and on Monday they will meet with the insurance people. I have begun to get a few items of clothing but not real sure where to start. I have collected a couple of WalMart gift cards as that seems to be the best way to help, since we know Wal Mart has EVERYTHING--and that's what they lost--EVERYTHING! Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers, and help.

1 comment:

Weiwei said...

Hi, I'm from Singapore. I am sorry to know about your Dad's house being burnt. God bless him and his family members. Our God is able to provide ACCORDING to His richness!